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Learning & Teaching ENssentials: The Academic Integrity Process

Learning & Teaching ENssentials: The Academic Integrity Process Online

Learning & Teaching ENssentials from Edinburgh Napier University Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement. The background shows Lego bricks and pieces spread across a table.

Dear colleagues,


In trimester 1 we looked at ways to support students to understand academic integrity and feel prepared to give their best work to their assessments, with consideration of Generative AI. In trimester 2, we'll be looking at the Academic Integrity process: what happens when a student is identified as having potentially breached the Academic Integrity Regulations. 

Please join us on MS Teams, Monday 10th February, 12-1pm GMT, when Dr Angus Sutherland (Academic Skills Adviser, DLTE) and Dr Mandy Gentleman (ENU Strategic Academic Integrity Lead) will be leading this webinar.

If you need any support to be able to participate, please contact DLTE@napier.ac.uk

We hope to see you there!


Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement.

Monday, February 10, 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
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