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Learning & Teaching ENssentials: Curriculum Enhancement for Module Leaders

Learning & Teaching ENssentials: Curriculum Enhancement for Module Leaders Online

Dear colleagues,


You are invited to this Learning & Teaching ENssentials webinar on Curriculum Enhancement for Module Leaders, taking place on Thursday 10th April 2025, 12:30-13:30 BST, via MS Teams. Like all of our ENssentials webinars, this is open to all staff at ENU, academic or professional services, so if the topic interests you, please feel free to join us.


This is the second session in our ENssentials programme focussing on module leadership, led by Dr Christine Haddow, an experienced Module Leader in the School of Applied Sciences (SAS). This webinar will focus on enhancement for module leadership, providing guidance and support for module leaders looking to update their modules for next academic year. The session will outline processes and approaches for module enhancement, and draw on Edinburgh Napier’s ENhance framework and how it can be used to develop your module curriculum. 


Learning Outcomes.

LO1: Become familiar with the role of module leader in module and programme level enhancement. 

LO2: Identify approaches to curriculum development and the ways in which the Enhance framework can support this.  


You can find details of this and other upcoming events for staff and students via LibCal.


Please let us know if you need any support to participate in this webinar.


Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement.

Thursday, April 10, 2025
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
< Online >
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Staff and research students  

Registration is required. There are 298 spaces available.

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