Training and events calendar

Students at computer

Information Services workshops and events are here to help you get started with the skills you need for success at University. There are bookable sessions on a range of different topics, and also regular drop-ins on different campuses. 

See the full calendar and book

Upcoming events

Time Zone: UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)

12:00pm - 2:00pm, Merchiston.
12:00pm - 2:00pm, Merchiston.

Skills for study and research

Sessions are available for all modules and levels, and can range from a basic introduction to using LibrarySearch and academic journals for first year students to subject-specific research sessions for postgraduate students and staff.

For a basic introduction to Library resources:

  • Your subject guide will list key subject-specific resources, databases and starting points.
  • See our drop-in sessions throughout the year. You may also have subject-specific sessions in your scheduled class times.

Staff and PhD students
We offer the research-specific sessions below:

  • Starting your literature review
  • Reference management
    • Endnote
    • Mendeley
  • Keeping up to date with research
  • How to choose which journal to publish in
  • Open access and publishing in the repository
  • Copyright - What does it mean for me and research/publishing?

These sessions will be available throughout the year, or you can contact your subject librarian to book a session for a particular group, or tailored to a specific subject area.

Book an appointment

Subject guides aren't answering your questions? Email your Subject Librarian to book time one-on-one and get help with sources for your study or research project. See My Subject Librarian to find the name of the librarian for your subject area.

Looking for help and advice on Moodle and other learning technologies? Email to book a time with one of our expert Learning Technology Advisors and get 1:1 support for your module design and development. Visit the Learning Technology Hub to find contact details.

Find help

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 Check for issues or planned

Laptop iconSubject guides
Get started with a particular subject or literature review.

Question iconContacts - Library and IT Support
Ask a question 24/7 by email or telephone.

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